College of Staten Island, Department of Computer Science

Course:  CSC 480  Artificial Intelligence


Catalog course description:

General introduction to artificial intelligence. Heuristic versus algorithmic methods. Purpose of heuristic programming, description of cognitive processes. Objective of work in artificial intelligence. Examples from special

purpose programs, general problem solver, theorem proving, deductive question answering systems, learning, pattern recognition.

Prerequisite courses: CSC 326

Corequisite: None.


Prerequisite courses by Topic: C++ programming, Data Structures

Textbooks and/or other Required Material: Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach, Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, 3rd edition ISBN 0-13-790395-2

Course Learning Objectives: Students should be able to:

1.       Demonstrate the concept of an intelligent agent

2.       Demonstrate the difference between the various uninformed search methods and when to apply each.

3.       Demonstrate the difference between the various informed search methods and when to apply each

4.       See how search is applied in game playing

5.       Differentiate between different basic machine learning concepts

6.       Work in teams to build a working robot

7.       Work in teams to program a neural network into a working robot to solve a specific problem



Course Topics:

1.       What is AI?  The Turing test

2.       History of Artificial Intelligence - Create a WIKI

3.       Intelligent Agents

4.       Solving Problems by Searching 

5.       Search Methods - Uninformed Search, Informed search

6.       Heuristic search

7.       Game Playing

8.       Agents that reason logically

9.       Learning from Observations - Decision Trees

10.    Learning in Neural Networks

11.    Robotics

Laboratory Projects: The course laboratory exercise consists of an extensive semester long project focusing on machine learning using robotics.


How course objectives assessed: 

2 Exams


Projects, Collected Homework, Paper


Robot Project


Academic Integrity:  CSI’s academic integrity policy:

Integrity is fundamental to the academic enterprise. It is violated by such acts as borrowing or purchasing term papers, essays, reports, and other written assignments; using concealed notes or crib sheets during examinations; copying the work of others and submitting it as one’s own; and misappropriating the knowledge of others. The source from which one derives one’s ideas, statements, terms, and data must be fully and specifically acknowledged in the appropriate form; failure to do so, intentionally or unintentionally, constitutes plagiarism. Violations of academic integrity may result in failure in a course and in disciplinary actions with penalties such as suspension or dismissal from the college.


MY Academic Integrity PolicyWe will be doing a lot of group work this semester.  The workload should be shared by all members of a team, not shared with other teams.  Copying someone else’s computer code, even though you changed the variable names, is called plagiarism and cheating.  All cheating is rewarded with a 0 on the assignment whether you are the copier or the copiee.