LAB 9 - Array madness


Given the following incomplete C++ program.  Complete each function such that:

·        function readin, reads values from a data file into the array

·        function printarray, prints the array

·        function addto adds the prompted value to each element of the array

·        function reverse, copies the elements of the array into a second array in reverse order.


Feel free to declare more variables if needed.


The program: 


#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>


using namespace std;


ifstream infile;

ofstream outfile;

const int size = 10;


void readin ( int [ ], int);

void addto (int [ ] , int, int);

void reverse (int [ ], int [ ], int );

void printarray ( int [ ], int);





     int array1[size], array2[size];


     int num;"data.txt");




          cerr << "Input file failed to open.";




     if (


          cerr << "Output file failed to open.";




     readin(array1, size);

     printarray(array1, size);


     cout << "What would you like to add to the array? ";

     cin >> num;


     addto(array1, size, num);

     printarray(array1, size);

     reverse(array1, array2, size);

     printarray(array2, size);


     return 0;





void readin ( int a [ ], int num_elem)


     int i;


     //finish function




void addto (int a[ ] , int num_ele, int n)


     int i;


     //finish function




void reverse (int a[ ], int a2[ ], int num_ele )


     int i, count;


     //finish function



void printarray (int a[ ], int num_ele)



     int i;


     //finish function

