Lab 1 - My first C Program


September 19 is International Talk Like a pirate Day


Your first lab will be in honor of this day.  Make sure that you spend the day "talking like a pirate!!".


Part I - Type in the following C++ programs that we went over during lecture. 

  1. Save the program.
  2. Print the program
  3. Execute the program
  4. Print the output


// File simple2.cpp

// Description:  Displays Avast me hearties, land ho!

// Programmer:  Insert your name here

// Date: Insert today's date


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;





    cout << "Avast me hearties, ";

    cout << "land ho!\n";


    return 0;




Part II - Modify the above program so that each cout statement prints on two separate lines.  The output should look like:


Avast me hearties,

land ho!



  1. Save the program.
  2. Print the program
  3. Execute the program
  4. Print the output


Part III - Modify the program so that the output is the same as in Part II but the program has only one cout statement.


  1. Save the program.
  2. Print the program
  3. Execute the program
  4. Print the output


Part IV - Write a C++ program that prints the following limerick.  Use only escape sequences to indicate the tab indents.


There once was a pirate from spank,
Who tried to make a wench walk the plank,
       But me lady he said, 
       "Would you like rum instead?"

So they went off and shared a whole tank.



Part V - Write a C++ program that

1)    declares an integer variable, a float variable and a character variable

2)    assigns the values 5, 234.67, and q to each of these variables respectively

3)    Prints the following statement:




The letter is:
