Loop Homework





1. Given the run of the following C++ code fragment if the user inputs 3, 7, 12, and 5


int n, times, total, curr;

cout << “How many times: “;

cin >> times;

total = 0;

for (n = 1; n <= times; n = n + 1)


cout << “Enter an int: “;

cin >> curr;

total = total + curr;

cout << curr << “ “ << total << endl;



2. What is printed by the following C++ program fragment if the user enters 27?


     divisor = 1;

     flag = 0;


     cout << "Please enter a number: ";


     cin >> num; //num is 27


     while ( !flag)


          if ((num % divisor) == 0) flag = 1;

          divisor = divisor + 1;

          if (divisor == num) flag = 1;

          cout << "Help me please!" <<endl;


     if (divisor == num) cout << "I hate computers!" << endl;

     else cout << "I love computers!"  << endl;



3.  What is printed by each of the following program fragments?


a) for (j = 20; j <= 5; j = j -4)

cout << "Again\n";


b) for (j = 10; j > 4; j--)

cout << j << ' ';



n = 5;

r = 1;


cout << r << "**";

r = r + 2;

        }while (r <= n);

     cout << r;


d) for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++)


  for (j = 0; j < i; j++)\

       cout << '*';

  cout << endl;





4. Write the code fragment     (not a complete program)   that prints the first n positive integers, such that each integer is preceded by two asterisks. 

For example, if n = 3 then the output would be **1**2**3

                      if n = 5 then the output would be **1**2**3**4**5



5. What is printed by the following while loops?


a)         int m = 5;

     while (m >= 1)


          cout << "m = " << m << endl;

          m = m - 2;



b)        sum = 8;


          while (sum < 10)



              cout << "sum = " << sum;
