Boolean Expressions


Problem – Professor Imberman wishes to use a grading program to give students feedback on their work.  When a student enters his/her grade into the program, the program will provide the student with an appropriate comment assessing the student’s performance.  Students entering values of 98, 99, or 100 will receive the message “Great Work”.  All other grades lower than 98 will get the comment, “Better luck next time”.


Software Development Procedure:


Inputs – A grade

Output – Comment based on grades value


Extended Analysis

if grade is 98 or greater print “Great Work”

if it is less than 98 print “Better luck next time!”



1.     Prompt user for grade

2.     Read in grade

3.     if grade >= 98 print “Great work”

4.     if it is less than 98 print “Better luck next time!”



We need a C++ statement that can do steps 3 and 4.

·        Means of evaluating relationships between things

·        Based on the relationship, make a decision


Given the statement a = b, mathematically, the statement is true or false depending on the values of a and b.

For example:  if a = 2 and b = 5 the statement is false.


The same is true for the relational operators < and >   for a < b, if a = 2 and b = 5 then 2 < 5 is true.


Any expression for which we can determine the truth value is called a boolean expression.


A boolean variable is a variable that can take on the values of true and false.


In C++ the bool data type allows for a the declaration of boolean variables.


bool truthvalue;


truthvalue = 1;

truthvalue = 0;

truthvalue = true;

truthvalue = false;


In C++ a value of 1 is interpreted as being true, and a value of 0 is false.


Boolean expressions are expressions that evaluate to being either 1 or 0, true or false.  The simplest boolean expression are the values 0, 1, true, or false.  Boolean variables can be assigned the resulting value of a boolean expression.


We can use relational operators to create complex boolean expressions.  Below are the relational operators.





Less than


Greater than


Equal to (Notice there are two equal signs as opposed to the assignment operator which is a single equal sign


Less than or equal to


Greater than or equal to


Not equal to


Examples of boolean expressions using relational operators



Evaluates to

4 > = 3

1 (true)

7 < = 126

1 (true)

5 == (3 + 3)

0 (false)

‘A’ < ‘B’

1 (true)

“Absorb” < “Abduct”

0 (false)

“Absorb” < “abduct”

1 (true)


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;





      bool truthvalue;


      truthvalue = 4 >= 3;

      cout << "4 >= 3" << " evaluates to ";

      cout << truthvalue << endl;


      truthvalue = 7 <= 126;

      cout << "7 <= 126 "<< " evaluates to ";

      cout << truthvalue << endl;


      truthvalue = 5 == (3+3);

      cout << "5 == (3+3)" << " evaluates to ";

      cout << truthvalue << endl;


      truthvalue = 'A' < 'B';

      cout << "\'A\' < \'B\'" << " evaluates to ";

      cout << truthvalue << endl;


      truthvalue = 'a' < 'b';

      cout << "\'a\' < \'b\'" << " evaluates to ";

      cout << truthvalue << endl;


      truthvalue = 'A' < 'a';

      cout << "\'A\' < \'a\'" << " evaluates to ";

      cout << truthvalue << endl;


      return 0;




4 >= 3 evaluates to 1

7 <=126  evaluates to 1

5 == (3+3) evaluates to 0

'A' < 'B' evaluates to 1

'a' < 'b' evaluates to 1

'A' < 'a' evaluates to 1

Press any key to continue


For ASCII characters,  ‘A’ < ‘B’ < …< ‘Z’

                   ‘0’ < ‘1’ < … <’9’

                   ‘a’ < ‘b’ < … <’z’


‘0’ < ‘1’ < … <’9’ < ‘A’ < ‘B’ < …< ‘Z’ <  ‘a’ < ‘b’ < … <’z’


Recall, each ASCII character evaluates to a numeric value.  The above represents the underlying numeric value of each characgter.


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;



main ()


      cout << "The truth value of A < a is: " << ('a' < 'A') << endl;

      cout << "The numeric value of a is: " << int('a') << endl;

      cout << "The numeric value of A is: " << int('A') << endl; 

      cout << "The letter value of 78 is: " << char(78) << endl;



The truth value of ‘a’ < ‘A’ is: 0

The numeric value of a is: 97

The numeric value of A is: 65

The letter value of 78 is: N

Press any key to continue


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;



main ()


      bool truthvalue1, truthvalue2;

      int num1, num2;

      num1 = 3;

      num2 = 6;


      truthvalue1 = num2 < num1;

      cout << "The truth of num2 < num1 is: " << truthvalue1 << endl;


      truthvalue1 = num2 > num1;

      cout << "The truth of num2 > num1: " << truthvalue1 << endl;


      truthvalue2 = num2 == num1;

      cout << "The truth of num2 == num1: " << truthvalue2 << endl;

      return 0;



The truth of num2 < num1 is: 0

The truth of num2 > num1: 1

The truth of num2 == num1: 0

Press any key to continue



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;



main ()


      bool truthvalue1, truthvalue2;

      int num1, num2;

      num1 = 3;

      num2 = 6;


      truthvalue1 = num2 < num1;

      cout << "The truth of num2 < num1 is: " << truthvalue1 << endl;


      truthvalue1 = num2 > num1;

      cout << "The truth of num2 > num1: " << truthvalue1 << endl;


      truthvalue2 = num2 == num1;

      cout << "The truth of num2 == num1: " << truthvalue2 << endl;


      truthvalue2 = num2 = num1;

      cout << "The truth of num2 == num1: " << truthvalue2 << endl;


      cout << "The value of num1 is: " << num1 << endl;

      cout << "The value of num2 is: " << num2 << endl;


      return 0;



--------------------Configuration: bool2 - Win32 Debug----------------



c:\csc1\bool2.cpp(26) : warning C4800: 'int' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)


bool2.obj - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)


The truth of num2 < num1 is: 0

The truth of num2 > num1: 1

The truth of num2 == num1: 0

The truth of num2 == num1: 1

The value of num1 is: 3

The value of num2 is: 3

Press any key to continue


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;



main ()


      bool truthvalue1, truthvalue2;

      int num1, num2;

      num1 = 3;

      num2 = 6;


      truthvalue1 = num2 < num1;

      cout << "The truth of num2 < num1 is: " << truthvalue1 << endl;


      truthvalue1 = num2 > num1;

      cout << "The truth of num2 > num1: " << truthvalue1 << endl;


      truthvalue2 = num2 == num1;

      cout << "The truth of num2 == num1: " << truthvalue2 << endl;


      num2 = 3;

      truthvalue2 = num2 == num1;

      cout << "The truth of num2 == num1: " << truthvalue2 << endl;


      return 0;



The truth of num2 < num1 is: 0

The truth of num2 > num1: 1

The truth of num2 == num1: 0

The truth of num2 == num1: 1

Press any key to continue


#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;





      bool truthvalue1;

      string word1, word2;


      word1 = "repeat";

      word2 = "reptile";

      truthvalue1 = word1 < word2;

      cout << "The truth value of word1 < word2 is: " << truthvalue1

<< endl;


      word1 = "bill";

      word2 = "billygoat";

      truthvalue1 = word1 < word2;

      cout << "The truth value of word1 < word2 is: " << truthvalue1

<< endl;


      word1 = "123";

      word2 = "1234";

      truthvalue1 = word1 < word2;

      cout << "The truth value of word1 < word2 is: " << truthvalue1

<< endl;


      return 0;



The truth value of word1 < word2 is: 1

The truth value of word1 < word2 is: 1

The truth value of word1 < word2 is: 1

Press any key to continue




In addition to the boolean operators, we also have special boolean operators.  These allow for more complex boolean expressions.   AND &&, OR ||, and NOT !


How are boolean expressions with boolean operators evaluated?

Assume that P represents one boolean expression that can evaluate to true (1) or false (0) and Q represents another boolean expression.


&&, || and ! are binary operators which means the work on two expressions.



P && Q














Both P and Q must be true individually for P&&Q to be true




P || Q














Either P or Q must be true individually for P||Q to be true.


Negation (!) or NOT is a unary operator









          ans = !P || Q && P || Q

if P = 1, Q = 1


Order of Precedence Rules

1.     parenthesized expressions

2. unary operators !, -

3. *, /, %

4.     binary +, -

5. <. >, <=, >=

1. ==, !=

2. && and

3. || or

4. assignment statements =, +=, -=, *=, %=, /=



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;





      bool truthvalue;


      truthvalue = 4 >= 3;

      cout << "4 >= 3" << " evaluates to ";

      cout << truthvalue << endl;


      truthvalue = 7 <=126;

      cout << "7 <=126 "<< " evaluates to ";

      cout << truthvalue << endl;


      truthvalue = 5 == (3+3);

      cout << "5 == (3+3)" << " evaluates to ";

      cout << truthvalue << endl;


      truthvalue = 2 < 3;

      cout << "2 < 3 "<< " evaluates to ";

      cout << truthvalue << endl;


      //Which is evaluated first, the relational or boolean operators?

      truthvalue = 4 >= 3  && 7 <= 126;

      cout << "4 >= 3 && 7 <= 126" << " evaluates to ";

      cout << truthvalue << endl;



      truthvalue = 5 == (3+3) || 2 < 3;

      cout << "5 == (3+3) || 2 < 3" << " evaluates to ";

      cout << truthvalue << endl;


      return 0;



4 >= 3 evaluates to 1

7 <=126  evaluates to 1

5 == (3+3) evaluates to 0

2 < 3  evaluates to 1

4 >= 3 && 7 <= 126 evaluates to 1

5 == (3+3) || 2 < 3 evaluates to 1

Press any key to continue



bool truthvalue;


truthvalue = (2>5) || 3 ==(2 + 1) || (5 < 10) || (6 != (5 + 1)) || (7 <= 6);


Short circuit evaluation – Boolean, or logical, expressions are evaluated up to the point at which the truth value is known.  If a portion of the expression is not needed to make a truth evaluation, it is not evaluated.