Lab 2 - I've Got A Little List Part I


A selection sort is an in place algorithm for sorting.  A selection sort works as follows:


1. Find the minimum value in the list

2. Swap this value into the current position being sorted.

3. Now we have a sub list that is sorted.

4. Repeat for the next position.


For example.  Given the following list:


72  4  67  15  19 


Pass 1 of the algorithm swap the 33 in position 1 with the 4.


4  72 67  15  19


Now position 1 is sorted and we have a sub list of sorted elements of size 1.


4                  72   67  15  19.


Pass 2 results in the following.


4   15            67   72   19


And so on until the list is sorted. 


4  15  19        72  67


4  15  19  67  72 


This lab will use the different List class implementations we have studied.  The goal of this lab is to demonstrate GOOD MODULAR programming.  We will implement a selection sort using several different List class implementations.


Part A - Using the array based List Class (ArrayList.h and ArrayList.cpp), write a function, that is passed a List object as a parameter, that will sort the List using a Selection Sort.  Put the code for your function in your driver file.

Display the list contents before the sort and after.  Make sure your output is clear and neatly organized.  

Create your initial List by reading values from a data file.  Since our list classes can be used with different data types,  run your code on at least three different data types (i.e. string, int, char, float, etc.)


Part B - IF you wrote nice, modular code, you should be able to modify your selection sort to use a List class that implements exception handling. 

Redo Part A using the array implementation of the List class with user defined exception handling (ListA.h and ListA.cpp).  How many lines of code did you have to change?   (YES I want you to TELL me this number.  Place a comment at the start of your driver file with this info.)


Repeat using the dynamic array with the standard exception classes. How many lines of code did you have to change?   (YES I want you to TELL me this number.  Place a comment at the start of your driver file with this info.)


Hand in the code for ALL parts A and B along with printouts of the data files used to test your code, and the respective outputs.  Make sure you put a comment at the start of your driver file indicating which List implementation is being tested and how many lines of code were APPROXIMATELY changed.