Rev B Lab4


1)    Which of the following are illegal identifier names, and why?


a)     hello

b)     int

c)     good-bye

d)     why_dont_you_continue

e)     1outOfFive

f)      payRate

g)     x

h)     gr8

i)      hi!



2)    What is printed by the following program?



using namespace std;



int main()




     cout << "$$$" << '\t' << "&&&" << '\n';


     cout << endl << endl << endl;


     cout <<'$'<<"      *      " << '\n';


     cout <<'a'<<'t';

     cout <<"good-bye!";


     return 0;




3)    Evaluate the following expressions:

a)     6 + 8 % 3

b)     (7 – 15) + 62 – 4 / 3

c)     22.4 / 4 – 6.3 * 2

d)     15.46/2

e)     14/3-3%2

f)      14/3%3


Be sure to include  comments at the beginning of the program with your name, date etc, and comments throughout the program to explain your code. Use const whenever appropriate. 


4)    Write a program to compute and print the cost of airline tickets from Boston to New York.



Your program prompts the user to input a ticket price.

Your program prompts the user to input the number of tickets to be bought.


Due to a membership in travel clubs you will receive a 13% discount.


There is 8.75% tax on the price of the tickets plus a airport charge of $15.


Your program should print out the total amount due in the following format (you may use spaces or the tab for the white space, which does not have to be a specific number of spaces), with the following input.


# of tickets:     5         @          $178.00


subtotal:      <subtotal here>    

amount of discount:         <amount of discount>

total without tax:        <total without tax>

tax:      <tax>

airport charge:                        $15

total due:         <total due>


Run your program on two more sets of input:


6 tickets at $150 each

10 tickets at $105.60 each


Print and submit all source code and 3 printouts of output


5)    If x=5, y=6, z=4 and w=3.5evaluate each of the following statements, if possible.   If not possible, state the reason.

a)     (x+z)%y=

b)     (x+y)%w=

c)     (y+w)%x=

d)     (x+y)*w=

e)     (x5y)%z=

f)      (y%z)%x=

g)     (x*z)%y=

h)     ((x*y*w)*z=


6)    Write the following as a C++ expression.



7)    What is the output of the following statements?  Suppose a and b are int variables, c is a double variable, and a =13, b=5, and c=17.5.

a)     cout<<a/static_cast <double>( b )+2*c<<endl;

b)     cout<< static_cast <int>( c )%5+a-b<<endl;


8)    Malik, any edition, chapter 2, problem 24





/*Lab4 exercise4 Computes and prints cost of airline tickets*/

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

const double Discount=0.13;

const double Tax=0.0875;

const double AirportCharge=15.00;

int main()


      double numberTickets,ticketPrice,subtotal;

      cout<<"number of tickets purchased ";



      cout<<"ticket price $";




      cout<<"# of tickets:" <<'\t'<<numberTickets<<'\t'<<"@"<<'\t'<<'$'




      double discountAmount=Discount*subtotal;

      cout<<"amount of discount"<<'\t'<<'$'<<discountAmount<<endl;

      double totalBeforeTax=subtotal-discountAmount;

      cout<<"total without tax"<<'\t'<<'$'<<totalBeforeTax<<endl;

      double tax=Tax*totalBeforeTax;


      cout<<"airport charge"<<'\t'<<'$'<<AirportCharge<<endl;

      cout<<"total due"<<'\t'<<'$'<<totalBeforeTax-tax-AirportCharge<<endl;

