Rev A              Lecture 1


  1. Tokens – Smallest individual unit of a program written in any language is called a token.

a)     Word Symbols or reserved words

e.g. int, double, return

Always lower case and cannot be used for anything else

Subset of these reserved words are descriptions of values stored and displayed, called data types.   They also define the amount of memory allocated because of their size.

1-     Integral or whole numbers are characterized by a couple of types.  The main ones we use are as follows:

            The int type is mainly used to define whole numbers

The char type is mainly used to define the character set used in the compiler.  Visual C++ uses the ascii character set.  Therefore to represent an a you use ‘a’ which is stored as 97 in decimal or as 1100001 in binary bits.  The first 32 ascii characters are non printable and are represented by an escape sequence such as new line ‘\n’ (replaces endl).  Since the characters are equal to integral numbers there is a collating sequence to them.  ‘A’ (65) is less than ‘a’ (97).

The bool type is use in logic for true and false represented in memory by a value of 1 or 0.

2-     Decimal numbers are also represented by a number of types depending upon the size.  C++ will have the scientific notation of taking a decimal number to the power of 10.

e.g. 851.67 is equal to 8.5167E2 or e2.

      The double type is mainly used and is a default.

      The float is sometimes used and is normally smaller

3-     String types are used when more than one character is required to produce words and are symbolized by being enclosed in quotation marks.

e.g. “This is considered a great lecture.”

Certain strings when used with special escape sequences have special meanings.  Malik book, page 76, table 2.4.

e.g. cout<<This is a good book \n”;  The \n operates like  endl and is considered a new line character.

The back slash character is also used in a string for some reserved characters so they can be printed out.

e.g. cout<<The \’ will be printed out as a single quotation mark.

4-     Converting a data type can be done through C++. 

The form static_cast is used.  This is called explicit casting.

e.g. static_cast<int>(4.8) is 4

e.g. static_cast<int>(’a’) is 97


b)     Special Symbols

e.g. +  -  ;  <=  !=

Unary operator or binary

 Arithmetic order of precedence

1-     *,  /,  %

2-     +,  -

3-     Same level then left to right

4-     Parenthesis in operations () clarifies order of precedence

Operations result in the data type used.  When there is mixed expressions then everything is reverted to decimal.  This is called implicit casting.

5-     Exercise 1

A)    Order of Operations


a)      16 + 3 - 2

b)     20 + 4/2

c)      (20 + 4)/2

d)     5 + 6 * 3/2 -1



B)     Trace:


//Second C++ program

//This is the source code saved as a .cpp file



using namespace std;


int main()



   cout << 7 + 3;

   cout << 8/2*4;

   cout << 6 + 18 - 14 / 2 + 87;

  cout << 4.2 + 6.6/3 - 1 << endl;

cout << -45 % 2 + 3 << endl;

   cout << (67 % 6) + (9 % 10); 

   return 0;



C)     Evaluate Mixed Expressions


a)      4.5 - 3.2/2 + 1

b)     7.8 + 15/2 - 1.2


c)     Identifiers

Variables, constants or functions

Uses letters, digits or underscore and can only begin with letters or underscore

Uppercase identifier is different than lower case.

Memory locations are given names so they can be accessed from various parts of the program to obtain the values placed there.  They are also very importantly defined as to data type.  This tells how much memory needs to be set aside for storage.

1-     A named constant is a memory location whose content is not allowed to change during program execution.

Form is const data type name

e.g. const double SalesTax=0.06; 

 Placed at head of program right before main() function

2-     A variable is a memory location whose value can change during program execution.  You must declare them before they are used!

Can add data into variables in two ways.

A)   Assign as data type variable = value of expression;

or data type variable;

      variable = value of expression;

e.g. double balance = 451.35;

B)    Read in as 

Data type variable1,variable2,variable3,……

Then cin>>variable1>>variable2>>variable3>>……

The cin causes the computer to get the input from the standard input device which is the keyboard to the computer.

C)    Strings

To use strings as variables you need to add the preprocessor header file at the beginning of the program as #include <string>.

Data is assigned to variables with quotation marks.

e.g. name = “John Doe”

Data is read in to variable without quotation marks.

e.g. string firstName;

string lastName;

cout<<”Enter your first name”;

cin >>firstName;

On the prompt for first name John should be entered

d)     Increment and decrement operators

e.g. count = number + 1;

Therefore whatever number is on the right side the variable count is assigned a value of number plus one and the variable number remains the same.  Since increment and decrement are used often a short cuts are used.

Pre-increment ++variable

Post-increment variable++

Pre-decrement --variable

Post-decrement variable –

e)     Compound assignment statements

Thus variable = variable / expression

Can be written as variable /=  expression

Same is true for other arithmetic operators


Exercise 2



int main()



     int x,y;

     int sum;

     int product;

     char char1,char2;


     x = 15;

     y = 23;

     sum = x + y;

     cout << " x is =  " << x << endl;

     cout << " y is =  " << y  << endl;

     cout << " sum is = " << sum << endl;

     cout << "product is = " << x * y << endl;

     char1 = 'a';

     char2 = 'b';

     sum = char1 + char2;

     cout << "sum is = " << sum << endl;

     return 0;





Write a program that will convert Celsius degrees to Fahrenheit.  Complete the missing statements:


//This program inputs a Celsius temperature

//and outputs both the Celsius temperature and its equivalent

//Fahrenheit temperature.



using namespace std;


int main()



     double celsius;

     double faren;


     cin >> celsius;

      //compute the equivalent fahrenheit


     cout << "Celsius: " << celsius << " degrees" << endl;

     // print out Fahrenheit now



     return 0;






If x = 7, y = 5 and z = 15 before each of  the following statement is executed, what are the values after execution?


D)  x += 60 -z;

E)  y++;

F)  z += y - 2;

z += z - 2;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// program from chapter 2 of the Malik Book
// Date:
// Programmer:
int main ( )
        int firstNum, secondNum;
        double z;
        char ch;
        string name;
        firstNum = 4;                                         //line 1
        secondNum = 2 * firstNum + 6;                         //line 2
        z = (firstNum + 1) /2.0;                              //line 3
        ch = 'A';                                             //line 4
        cin >> secondNum;                                     //line 5
        cin >> z;                                             //line 6
        firstNum = 2 * secondNum + static_cast <int> (z);     //line 7
        cin >> name;                                          //line 8
        secondNum = secondNum + 1;                            //line 9
        cin >> ch;                                            //line 10
        firstNum = firstNum + static_cast<int>(ch);           //line 11
        z = firstNum - z;                                     //line 12             return 0;



Data inputs are 3 11.4 Don r 

Give values being stored in the following variables after execution of the following

Line number               firstNum         secondNum     z          ch        name

Before line 1

Line 1

Line 2

Line 3

Line 4

Line 5

Line 6

Line 7

Line 8

Line 9

Line 10

Line 11

Line 12


E)Give values for i, j, and ans
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Illustrating assignment and operations
int main ( )
        int i = 2, j = 99;
        int ans ;
        i = i + 1;
        j = j + 1;
// increment and decrement examples
        i ++; // i=
        j ++; // j=
        i = 5; 
        j = 9;
        i = i - 1;// i=
        j = j - 1;// j=
        i --; // i=
        j --; // j=
// more increment and decrement examples
        ans = i + j;    // i=    j=   ans=
        ans = i++  + j; // i=    j=   ans=
        ans = ++i + j;  // i=    j=   ans=
        ans = i-- + j;  // i=    j=   ans=
        ans = --i + j;  // i=    j=   ans=
        ans += 2;       // i=    j=   ans=
        ans *= 2;      // i=    j=   ans=
        ans /= 2;      // i=    j=   ans=
        ans += j + 2 * i; // i=    j=   ans= 
        return 0;




Write a C++ program that

1)    prompts the user to input 3 decimal numbers (with a fraction part)

2)    Prints the three decimal numbers.

3)    Converts each decimal number to the nearest integer.

4)    Prints the three converted numbers.

5)    Computes and prints the sum and average of the three integers.