Rev B Lecture 8



Suppose one had to develop a program that requested data entry of around 100 items.  Just the declaration of the variables would be a major task.  If the variables were of the same type and could basically be of names differing by a number we can use something called an array.  An array is a structured data type of a fixed number of elements.  All the elements are of the same type.


Declare an array

datatype variable[expression]; //expression evaluates to a constant positive integer.  This is the declaration of a one dimension array.

e.g. int number[4]; // defines an array of name number of 4 integer elements


Access an array

e.g. for the array defined above number[2] is the third element in the array.

Therefore the array contains number[0], number[1], number[2], number[3]


Assignment to an array

Values have to be assigned to the components of an array

e.g. number [2]=3; // the value 3 is assigned to the third element in the array number.

e.g. number [4-3]=7; the value 7 is assigned to the second element in the array number.


Arrays are stored consecutively in memory.

e.g. int number[4];




     integer values usually take 4 memory locations (4bytes or 32 bits)

therefore assume the value 3(digitally) is placed starting at memory location 2000 then 8 is placed beginning at location 2004, value 4 at 2008 and so forth.


Array initialization during declaration

e.g. int number[5]={3,8,4,7,12};

or   int number[]={3,8,4,7,12}; //the index 5 is assumed because 5 elements are provided

e.g. int number[7]={3,8,4,7,12}; //in this case since 7 array elements are indicated, number[5] and number[6] are set to values of 0 and 28 memory locations are set aside for this array.

e.g. int number[6]={0}; //sets all elements to 0


Array processing

Arrays allow for tasks to be developed with minimal amount of code.

double dailyGasPrice[30];

int index, highestIndex;

double highestPrice, total, average;

a.     initializing an array

for (index = 0; index < 30; index++

    dailyGasPrice[index] = 0;

b.     reading the price into the array

for (index = 0; index < 30; index++

    cin >> dailyGasPrice[index];

c.     printout of the prices

for (index = 0; index < 30; index++

    cout << dailyGasPrice[index];

d.     finding the total and average of the prices

total = 0;

for (index = 0; index < 30; index++

    total = total + dailyGasPrice[index];

average = total/30;

e.     finding the highest price

highestIndex = 0;

for (index = 0; index < 30; index++

    if dailyGasPrice[highestIndex] < dailyGasPrice{index]

         index = highestIndex;

highestPrice = dailyGasPrice[highestIndex];


Array no no


When declaring an array you must know size at that point.  At time of compilation index value must be known.

Cannot do 

Cout<< “array size = ”;

cin >> index;

cout<< endl;

double number[index]


Cannot copy elements of one array to another as an aggregate

int firstGroup[8];

int secondGroup[8];

secondGroup = firstGroup; // not acceptable L


If you did the following

Cout << firstGroup; // The base(initial)memory address will be outputted


Arrays as parameters to functions

Arrays are passed as reference parameters


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


const int elements;

void fill(int x[], int size);


int main()


int numbers[elements];


return 0;



void fill(int x[], int size)


int index;

for (index = 0; index < size; index++)

     cin >> x[index];



Since arrays are passed as reference parameters changes to them in the function will affect their value in the main().  This can be prevented by the use of the term const in the formal parameter.

e.g. for the above function we add to the formal parameter

fill(const int x[], int size]






1)         Write the declaration of an array called temperatures that is of type double and holds 30 values.



a)            How many bytes does this array take up in memory?



b)            How can we initialize this array so that all the temperatures start off at 32 degrees?



2)          What is printed by the following program segment?




 int num[10];

 int i;

 for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)

      num[i] = i - 1;

 for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)

      if (i % 3)

           num[i] = num[i + 1];

 for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)








using namespace std;






//program to demonstrate arrays


void main()


     int j;

     int arr1[10];

     int arr2[10];

     for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)


          arr1[j] = j * 5;

          arr2[j] = arr1[j] + 3;


     for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)


          cout<<arr1[j]<<"  "<<arr2[j]<<endl;









using namespace std;







void findpos(int[],int, int &);

const int NUMSPOTS=30;

void main()


  int i,num,spot;

  int array[NUMSPOTS];


  for (i = 0; i < NUMSPOTS; i++)

       array[i] = i*2;

  cout<<"Enter the number you wish to find";




  cout<<"The number that you wish to find is in the";



void findpos(int x[], int num, int & s)




//Finding num in the array x



     int i;

     for (i = 0; i < NUMSPOTS; i++)


          if (x[i] == num)


              s = i;



          cout<<"in the "<<i<<"th iteration\n";


     if (i == 30) s = -1;




Two Dimensional Arrays


We previously talked about an array of elements which are arranged in a list form in what we call  one dimension.  Sometimes we need to place or read components stored in a tabular form and require a two dimension array.


Declare a 2 dimension array

datatype variable[rows][columns]; // This is the declaration of a two dimension array.  The rows and columns are positive integers.

e.g. int number[4][3]; // defines an array of name number of 4 rows by 3 columns, totaling 12 variables containing integer values.


Access an array

e.g. for the array defined above number[2][1] is in row 2 (3rd) and column 1 (2nd) in the array number.


Assignment to an array

Values have to be assigned to the components of an array

e.g. number [2][1]=6; // the value 6 is stored in row 2 (3rd) and column 1 (2) in the array number.


Array initialization during declaration

e.g. int number[4][3]={{3,8,4},




e.g. number[2][1]= ?

At least one of the values in a row must be given for initialization of all the components of the row.  All the omitted remaining elements in the row are then initialized to 0.


Two-dimensional array processing

For two dimensions processing can be done in 3 ways

1.  Process the entire array.

2.  Process all the columns for a specific row.

3.  Process all the rows for a specific column.


initializing a row[1] in array number

   int number[4][3];

 int row=1;

for (col = 0; col < 3; col++)

    number[row][col] = 0;


   inputting a value into column[0] in array number

int number[4][3];

int col=0;

for (row = 0; row < 4; row++)

    cin >> number[row][[col];


printout of all the elements of the array nember

for (row = 0; row < 4; row++)


                        for (col = 0; col  < 3; col++)

                                    cout << setw(5) << number[row][col];

                        cout << endl;



List (array) search

Many times a problem requires finding an item in a list.  This breaks down to an algorithm for searching within an array.

To solve this problem we need the following:

List (Array name)

Length of the list (size of the array)

Search item to find





using namespace std;


int main()


            int list[]={1,2,3,4};

            int pos,item;

            int length=4;

            int found = 0;

            cout<<"enter an item number ";



            for (pos=0; pos<length; pos++)


                        if (list[pos] == item)






            if (found)

                        cout<<"search item is at position "<<pos<<endl;


cout<<"search item is not in the list";



            return 0;



Character arrays or C-Strings

When a 1 dimension array is of the character type it is called c-string and is ended by the null character ‘\0’.  Therefore

Strings can be worked with either through a string variable or a character array (c-string). 

Thus   char name[15] can only contain a null character plus 14 others defined as the string.


char name[15] = “Jack”; // allows up to a string of 14 characters plus 1 null character and uses only index 0 to 3

or char name[15] = {‘J’, ‘a’, ‘c’, ‘k’};.

Thus name[0] = ‘J’

Index can be omitted during declaration

char name[] = “Jack” // is equal to char name[5] = “Jack”


cstrings contain some useful functions.  In order to use them we must add the header file cstring(what else would you think)J

thus #include<cstring>

assume char name[15];

cannot now do name = “Jack”; // illegal



can use the cstring function strcpy(s1,s2); // copies the string s2 into the string variable s1

char name[15];

strcpy(name,”Jack”); // result name = “Jack”



used to compare strings s1 and s2

If s1 = s2 returns a 0

If s1>s2 returns a 1

If s1<s2 returns a –1



strcmp(firstStudent,secondStudent); // returns a value of 1 because the string “John is greater than ”James” that is ‘o’ is greater than ‘a’.



will provide the length of the string excluding the null character

char name[15] = “Jack”;

int length;

length = strlen(name); // length = 4




char name[15] = “Jack”;

cout << name; // continues to output name until the null character ‘\0’ is reached.  Thus Jack is outputted.  If the string didn’t terminate with a null character then all the values in continuous memory would be outputted till a null is reached.




cin>>name;  // If the input is 4 characters they will be stored in the character array along with a terminating null.  If a white space is encountered the reading in of the string ceases.


cin.get(str, n+1); // stores the next n characters or until a newline character ‘\n’ is encountered to the character array str.