EXAM 1A – Fall 2017



A)   (16 points) Show what is printed by the following program:



using namespace std;

int main()


       int officeCapacity = 21;

       int office = 0;

       int workers = 62;


       while (workers > 0)


             cout << "Assigning #" << office + 1 << " office\n";

             workers -= officeCapacity;

             if (workers > 0)

                    cout << "Workers left: " << workers << endl;





       return 0;




Assigning #1 office

Workers left: 41

Assigning #2 office

Workers left: 20

Assigning #3 office

Press any key to continue . . .


















B)    (16 points) What is printed by the following code?



using namespace std;

int main()


       bool discountAllowed = true;

       int items = 4;

       double x = 4.5;


       if (items > 0 && discountAllowed)


             items = items * 2;

             if (items < 10)

                    discountAllowed = false;


       else if (items > 0)




       cout << "Items: " << items << ' ' << items % 3 << ' ' << items / 3 << endl;

       if (!discountAllowed && 6 - 1.5 == x || 6 + x == 0)

             cout << "Good Day!";


             cout << "See you later!";


       return 0;




Items: 8 2 2

Good Day!





C)    (48 points)Short Answer Questions:


When asked to write code in this section, do not write full programs.



a)     Use a loop: Write the C++ code that prints out the numbers from 1 to 100 and their squares (the number raised to the 2nd power).  Your output should be (here are the first four lines, but there are 100 lines in the output):


1  1

2  4

3  9

4  16







int i;

       for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++)

             cout << i << ' ' << i * i << endl;




b)     Write the C++ code (not a full program!!!) that computes a worker’s salary. The code prompts the user for number of hours worked and salary per hour. It prints the total check for the user. If the user works more than 35 hours, the user gets a bonus of $2 for every hour worked. Remember to declare variables





int hours;

       double salPerHour;

       double total;

       cout << "Enter number of hours and salary per hour: ";

       cin >> hours >> salary;

       total = salary * hours;

       if (hours > 35)

             total += 2 * hours; // add 2 for every hour worked as bonus

   cout << total;







c)     Write the C++ code that (50 times!) keeps prompting the user to enter an integer!  The code prints out the sum of all the integers that are EVEN.



int sum = 0;

       int i;

       int num;

       for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)


             cout << "Enter a number";

             cin >> num;

             if (num % 2 == 0)

                    ​sum += num; //this is the line that adds the num into sum


       cout << "sum of all even numbers: " << sum;




d)     Given:


char letter, code;



Write the C++ code that prints out "BOTH ARE!" if letter and code both contain upper case letters  (A-Z) in the alphabet. Otherwise, the code prints out: "NO!"



if (letter >= 'A' && letter <= 'Z' && code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z')

             cout << "BOTH ARE!";


             cout << "NO!";







D)   (20  points) Write a full program, including comments, that computes the final cost for a cell phone bill. 


AT&T has two choices for unlimited plans: Unlimited Choice and Unlimited Plus. Both unlimited plans allow up to 10 lines. For two lines, the Unlimited Choice plan starts at $125 per month, and Unlimited Plus starts at $155. Each additional line beyond the first two is an extra $20 per month. Federal Universal Service Fund fees are 18.8% (of the total) additional charge.


Write code that prompts the user for the plan (choice or plus), and prompts the user for the number of lines. The code prints out the total amount due each month.




using namespace std;

int main()



char plan;

       int lines;

       double total;


       cout << "Enter number of lines: ";

       cin >> lines;

       cout << "Enter plan type (P for plus and c for choice): ";

       cin >> plan;

       if (plan == 'c')

             total = 125; //base price for 2 lines

       else //plan is p

             total = 155; //base price for 2 lines


       if (lines > 2) //need to charge for the extra lines

             total += ((lines - 2) * 20); //$20 for every extra line over 2


       //add federal fee

       total *= 1.188; //same as total = total + total * .188;

       cout << setprecision(2) << total << endl;

       return 0;
