//First Example

//This program counts how many times

//it takes until a die rolls with the number

//that the user input




using namespace std;

int rollDie(int);

int main()


     srand(time(0));  //seed the random number generator

     int times,number;

     cout << "Which number do you want (1-6)?";

     cin >> number;

     times = rollDie(number);

     cout << "It took " << times << " rolls  to "

          << "get " << number;


int rollDie(int x)


     //roll the die until it hits the number x

     int roll;

     int counter = 0;

     while (true)


          roll = rand() % 6 + 1; // a random number between 1 and 6

          cout << "You rolled: " << roll << endl;


          if (roll == x)

              return counter;






//Example 2

//User inputs the sum of the two dice

//this program simulates the rolling of two dice

//counting how many times it takes until the sum

//is equal to the user input





using namespace std;

int rollDie(int);

int main()



     int times,sum;

     cout << "Which sum do you want (2-12)?";

     cin >> sum;

     times = rollDie(sum);

     cout << "It took " << times << " rolls  to "

          << "get " << sum;


int rollDie(int x)


     int die1,die2;

     int counter = 0;

     if (x < 2 || x > 12)  //checking to see if the sum value is impossible!



          cout << "ERROR IN SUM!";

          return 0;


     while (true)


          die1 = rand() % 6 + 1; //two random numbers between 1 and 6

          die2 = rand() % 6 + 1;

          cout << "You rolled: " << die1 << " and "

              << die2 << endl;


          if (die1 + die2 == x)

              return counter;




