1. Trace the following program:




using namespace std;


int main()




double  a, b, c;


a = 6.50;

b = 3.45;

c = a + b;









  1. State whether the following evaluate to TRUE or FALSE:


    1. 7 + 3 > 15 && 6 – 1 == 7


    1. 8 > 15 || 6 < 7 + 3 && 8 == 2/2


    1. if num1 has the value of 16 and num2 has the value of 24:


 num1 % 8 == num2 % 4 && num1 < num2



  1. Why do we need to include:


    1. iomanip


    1. fstream


    1. cmath


    1. iostream



    1. Write an if statement that will print out a name if  it begins with the letters M-Z.  You may NOT assume that the name was typed in capital letters.
    2. Write an if statement that will add 1 to an integer variable if it is exactly divisible by 5 (….,-5,0,5,10,….).



  1. Trace the following program:





using namespace std;


int main()




     int a,b;

     double x = 6.2;

     bool flag = true;

     a = 12;


     if (x > a || a < 12)

          cout<<"this is true\t";


          cout<<"it is false\n";

     if (flag)

          cout<<"this is true\t";

          cout<<"this is false\n";


     flag = true;


     if (flag && a == 12)



          b = a;


     cout<<a<<' '<<b<<' '<<flag<<' '<<x<<' ';

