
Handout #2 Strings



  1. Assume the following code:


      int main()


      char oneWord[40];

      char secondWord[20];





      cout << oneWord << ' ' << secondWord;

      return 0;



    1. What header files must be included for the above code to run?


    1. What is printed by the code if the proper header files are included?


    1. Can I add the following to the program?  If not, why?


                       i.   cout << oneWord[0];


                     ii.   cout << secondWord[20];


                    iii.   strcat(oneWord, secondWord);


                     iv.   cout << oneWord << secondWord;


  1. char line[20];



    1. What does line contain if you type in:


                   i.  Hello!  How are you?

                     ii.   Peter Piper picked a peck of pickeled peppers. What did Peter Piper Pick? A peck of pickeled peppers.

                                              iii.     just the return character


    1. What would strlen(line) return for each of the above?