1.     What is the value of x after the following statements execute?


int x = 25;

int *p;

p = &x;

*p = 46;





2.     If you overload the binary arithmetic operator + as a member function, how many objects must be passed as parameters?




3.     If you overload the binary arithmetic operator + as a friend function, how many objects must be passed as parameters?




4.     Given the following class:


class Money



      Money(int d, int c);

      //initializes the object with the parameters



      //intialized the object so its value is $0.00


      double getValue();  //returns the amount of money as a double

      void nicePrint() const; //prints out the money in nice format



      int dollars;

      int cents;



Money::Money(int d, int c)

      //initializes the object with the parameters


      dollars = d;

      cents = c;





      dollars = 0;

      cents = 0;


double Money::getValue()//returns the amount of money as a double


      return (dollars + cents/100.00);


void Money::nicePrint() const


      cout << '$' << dollars << '.' << setfill('0') << setw(2) <<              cents << endl;

      cout << setfill(' ');




a.      Write the prototype and defintion of the overloaded operator + as a member function.











b.     Write the prototype and defintion of the overloaded operator < as a friend function.











c.      Assume that all the functions from the class definition, and from part a and b of this question are properly defined.  What is printed by the following code?





      int main()



           Money yours(2,34);

           Money mine(4,5);





           cout << (mine + yours).getValue();




5.     Given the following class:


class movieInfo



      int numActors;  //number of Actors on the list

      string * actorList;  //holds all the actor names

      string director;


      void printActors() const;  //prints all the actors

      void readActors(); //gets actor names from cin

      void setDirector(string);  //sets the director name

      string getDirector() const;  //returns the director name

      movieInfo(); //



a.      Write the constructor (prototype and definition) that will take one int parameter that indicates the number of actors (numActors) that will be stored in this movie. (REMEMBER TO ALLOCATE SPACE FOR THE ACTOR LIST).












b.      Write the prototype and definition of the overloaded operator =  (assignment)



















6.     Explain:    If a class has pointer variables, it must contain:



a.      overloaded assignment




b.     copy constructor




c.      destructor