Quiz 3 (Pointers)


1)    Given the following declaration;


           int aNumber;


a)    declare an integer pointer



b)    set the integer pointer to point to aNumber



c)    set the value of aNumber to fifteen by using the pointer



d)    print out the value of aNumber and the address of aNumber using the pointer




2)    Given the following declaration:


int number = 0;

int *ptr = &number;


Assume that number resides at address 00214C10  in memory and ptr resides at 001BFE20.


Describe the effects of the following statements. Explain which variable changes, and how.  



a)    ptr++;



b)    number++;



c)    (*ptr)++;




a)    Declare a two dimensional dynamic array with 4 rows and 5 columns.




b)    Give an real world example of when you would use a two dimensional dynamic array.



4)    Given:


float a[5] = {0.0, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4};

float *b = &a[1];



Use the pointer b to set the value of the last element of the array to be equal to zero.







5)    Given the following class:


class movieInfo



      int numActors;

      string * actorList;

      string director;


      void printActors() const;

      void readActors();

      void setDirector(string);

      string getDirector() const;




a)    Write the constructor (prototype and definition) that will take one  int parameter that indicates the number of actors that will be stored in this movie.  (REMEMBER TO ALLOCATE SPACE FOR THE ACTOR NAMES).






b)    Write the destructor prototype and definition.






c)    Write the definition of the member function isInMovie that takes one string parameter that hold the name of an actor and returns true if that actor is in the movie and false otherwise.