


1.  Consider the following function:


void recursePrint(int n)


      if (n != 0)  // Line 1


           cout << "Hip\n"; //Line 2

           recursePrint(n - 1); // 3




           cout << "Horray!"; // 4




a.  What is the base case?


b.  What is the recursive case?


c.  How many times is recursePrint called if the line:


is in the main program?




2.  Consider the following recursive function (Chapter 17, #9, modified)


void recFun(int x)


      if (x > 10)


           recFun(x / 10);

           cout << x % 10;



           cout << x;



a.  What is printed by the call: recFun(268);


b.  How can the code be modified so that when a number is input, its digits are printed on separate lines?


c.  How can the code be modified so that the sum of all digits is printed?




3.  Use a recursive function findRecurse that returns true if an element is an array and false otherwise:



base case:   The element is equal to the first item in the array; returns true.  Alternatively there are no elements left in the array, returns false.


recursive case: The element is not equal to the first item in the array.  This means that we have to search the rest of the array for the item.