Exercises 5


1)       Given the code fragment:


         struct NodeType


            int  data;

            NodeType* next;


         NodeType* p;

         NodeType* q;


         p = new NodeType;

         p->data = 12;

         p->next = NULL;

         q = new NodeType;

         q->data = 5;

         q->next = p;


                        Which of the following expressions has the value 12?


i)         q

ii)       q->data

iii)      q->next->data

iv)     q->next

v)       None of the above



2)       Given the declarations:


         struct ListNode


            float     volume;

            ListNode* next;


         ListNode* headPtr;


        Assume that headPtr is the external pointer to a linked list of many nodes. Which statement deletes the first node? (Ignore deallocation of the node.)


i)         headPtr = headPtr->next;

ii)       *headPtr = headPtr->next;

iii)      headPtr->next = headPtr->next->next;

iv)     headPtr->(*next) = headPtr->next->next;

v)       none of the above


3)       Given the declarations:


         struct ListNode


            float     volume;

            ListNode* next;


         ListNode* headPtr;


        Assume that headPtr is the external pointer to a linked list of many nodes. Which statement deletes the second node? (Ignore deallocation of the node.)


i)         headPtr = headPtr->next;

ii)       *headPtr = headPtr->next;

iii)      headPtr->next = headPtr->next->next;

iv)     headPtr->(*next) = headPtr->next->next;

v)       none of the above


4)       Given the declarations:


          struct NodeType


            int  score;

            NodeType* next;


         NodeType* somePtr;


        Write a single C++ statement that will deallocate (that is, return to the free store) the dynamic node that is currently pointed to by somePtr: __________________


5)       Given the declarations:


         struct NodeType


            int  data;

            NodeType* next;


         NodeType* headPtr;   //External pointer to a linked list

         NodeType* p;


                        the following code sums all the components in a list:


         sum = 0;

         p = headPtr;

         while ( /* Loop condition */ )


            sum = sum + p->data;

            p = p->next;



                        Write the missing loop condition: ____________________