Dr. Yumei Huo

Department of Computer Science
College of Staten Island, CUNY

Doctoral faculty
Department of Computer Science
The Graduate Center, CUNY

2800 Victory Blvd 1N-215
Staten Island, New York 10314

Office: 1N-202
Email: yumei.huo@csi.cuny.edu
Phone: (718) 982-2841

Teaching | Research | Publications | Links | Vita | Research Statement


Fall 2024:

  • CSC382 Analysis of Algorithms
  • CSC450 Honors Workshop
  • CSC 90000-33 Dissertation Supervision (The Graduate Center)

Spring 2024:

  • CSC305 Operatating Sys Prog Lab
  • CSC382 Analysis of Algorithms
  • CSC450 Honors Workshop
  • CSC 90000-33 Dissertation Supervision (The Graduate Center)

Courses taught in the previous semesters

Research interest

  • High Performance Computation
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Sequence and Scheduling
  • Computation and Complexity
  • Combinatorial Optimization
  • Operations Research
  • Machine Learning
  • Pattern Recognition


    Journal Papers

  • Wang Y., J. Wang, and Y. Huo, "Multitasking scheduling with job switching allowed between alternate periods," International Journal of Production Research, 2024 February; :1-23.
  • Fu B., Y. Huo, and H. Zhao, "Multitasking scheduling with shared processing," Naval Research Logistics, 2023 December; 71(4):595-608.
  • Fu B., Y. Huo, and H. Zhao, "Streaming approximation scheme for minimizing total completion time on parallel machines subject to varying processing capacity," Theoretical Computer Science, 2023 June; 961:113937.
  • Fu, B., Y. Huo and H. Zhao, ""Streaming Algorithms for Multitasking Scheduling with Shared Processing ," Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2022 October; 320:346-355.
  • Tan J., L. Jing, Y. Huo, Y. Tian, O. Akin, "LGAN: Lung Segmentation in CT Scans Using Generative Adversarial Network, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 87, 101817, 2021.
  • Tan J., Y. Gao, Z. Liang, W. Cao, M.J. Pomeroy, Y. Huo, L. Li, MA Barish, A. F. abbasi, P. J. Pickhardt, 3D-GLCM CNN: A 3-dimensional gray-level co-occurrence matrix based CNN model for polyp classification via CT colonography, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 39 (6), 2013-2024, 2019.
  • Huo. Y, Parallel Machine Makespan Minimization Subject to Machine Availability and Total Completion Time Constraints, Journal of Scheduling, 22(4): 433-447, 2019.
  • Gao Y., J. Tan, Z. Liang, L. Li, Y. Huo, Improved computer-aided detection of pulmonary nodules via deep learning in the sinogram domain., Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art, 2: 1-9, 2019.
  • Tan J., Y. Huo, Z. Liang, L. Li, Expert knowledge-infused deep learning for automatic lung nodule detection, Journal of X-ray science and technology, 27(1), 17-35, 2019.
  • Huo, Y. and H. Zhao, "Two Machine Scheduling Subject to Arbitrary Machine Availability Constraints," Omega, Omega, 76: 128-136, 2018.
  • Huo, Y. and H. Zhao, "Total Completion Time Minimization on Multiple Machines Subject to Machine Availability and Makespan Constraints," European Journal of Operational Research, 243(2): 547-554, 2015.
  • Huo, Y., B. Reznichenko and H. Zhao, "Minimizing Total Weighted Completion Time with Unexpected Machine Unavailability," Journal of Scheduling, 17(2): 161-172, 2014.
  • Fu, B, Y. Huo and H. Zhao, "Coordinated Scheduling of Production and Delivery with Production Window and Delivery Capacity Constraints," Theoretical Computer Science, 422: 39-51, 2012.
  • Fu, B, Y. Huo and H. Zhao, "Approximation Schemes for Parallel Machine Scheduling with Availability Constraints," Discrete Applied Math, 159: 1555-1565, 2011.
  • Huo, Y. and H. Zhao, "Bicriteria Scheduling Concerned with Makespan and Total Completion Time Subject to Machine Availability Constraints", Theoretical Computer Science, 412:1081-1091, 2011.
  • Huo, Y., J. Y-T. Leung and X. Wang, "Integrated Production and Delivery Scheduling with Disjoint Windows," Discrete Applied Math, 158:921-931, 2010.
  • Huo, Y. and J. Y-T. Leung, "Fast Approximation Algorithms for Job Scheduling with Processing Sets Restrictions", Theoretical Computer Science, 411: 3947-3955, 2010.
  • Huo, Y. and J. Y-T. Leung, "Parallel Machine Scheduling with Nested Processing Set Restrictions," European Journal of Operational Research, 204:229-236, 2010.
  • Fu, B, Huo, Y. and H. Zhao, "Exponential Inapproximability and FPTAS for Scheduling with Availability Constraints", Theoretical Computer Science, 410:2663-2674, 2009.
  • Huo, Y., J. Y-T. Leung and X. Wang,"Preemptive Scheduling Algorithms with Nested Processing Set Restriction," International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 20(6): 1147-1160, 2009.
  • Fu, B, Y. Huo and H. Zhao, "Makespan Minimization with Machine Availability Constraints," Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, 1(2): 141-151, 2009.
  • Huo, Y. , J. Y-T. Leung and X. Wang,"A Fast Preemptive Scheduling Algorithm with Release Times and Inclusive Processing Set Restrictions," Discrete Optimization, 6(3): 292-298, 2009.
  • Huo, Y., H. Li, and H. Zhao, "Minimizing Total Completion Time in Two-Machine Flow Shops with Exact Delays," Computers & Operations Research, 36(6): 2018-2030, 2009.
  • Huo, Y., J. Y-T. Leung and X. Wang, "Online Scheduling of Equal-Processing-Time Task Systems," Theoretical Computer Science, 401: 85-95, 2008.
  • Huo, Y. , J. Y-T. Leung and H. Zhao, "Complexity of Two Dual Criteria Scheduling Problems," Operations Research Letters, 35:211-220, 2007.
  • Huo, Y. , J. Y-T. Leung and H. Zhao, "Bi-criteria Scheduling Problems: Number of Tardy Jobs and Maximum Weighted Tardiness," European Journal of Operational Research, 177:116-134, 2007.
  • Huo, Y. and J. Y-T. Leung, "Minimizing Mean Flow Time for UET Tasks," ACM Transactions on Algorithms, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 244-262. April 2006.
  • Huo, Y. and J. Y-T. Leung, "Online Scheduling of Precedence Constrained Tasks," SIAM J. on Computing, Volume 34, Number 3, pp. 743-762. 2005.
  • Huo, Y. and J. Y-T. Leung, "Minimizing Total Completion Time for UET Tasks with Release Time and Outtree Precedence Constraints," Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 275-278, 2005.
  • Huo, Y. and Q. Wang, "Control Flow Analysis and Simulator Design for VLIW Architecture Microprocessor", MINI-MICRO SYSTEMS, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2001.
  • Tu, X. and Y. Huo, "Knowledge Economics-oriented Intelligence Simulation Technology", Computer Simulation, 1999(7).

    Recent Conference Papers

  • Fu B, Y. Huo, H. Zhao, "Sublinear Algorithms for Scheduling with Chain Precedence Constraints," The 30th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2024), Forthcoming.
  • Tan J., S. Zhang, W. Cao, Y. Gao, L.C. Li, Y. Huo, Z. Liang, "A multi-stage fusion strategy for multi-scale GLCM-CNN model in differentiating malignant from benign polyps," Medical Imaging 2020: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 11314, 113141S, 2020.
  • Huo Y. and H. Zhao, "Revisit Heuristics for Flowshop Scheduling with Availability Constraint," The 9th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA 2019), 609-611, 2019.
  • Tan J., Y. Gao, W. Cao, M.J. Pomeroy, S. Zhang, Y. Huo, L. Li, Z. Liang, "GLCM-CNN: Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix based CNN Model for Polyp Diagnosis," IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI), 1-4, 2019.
  • Tan J., Y. Gao, Y. Huo, L. Li, Z. Liang, "Sharpness preserved sinogram synthesis using convolutional neural network for sparse-view CT imaging," Medical Imaging: Image Processing, 109490E, 2019.
  • Tan J., Y. Huo, Z. Liang, L. Li, "A Fast Automatic Juxta-pleural Lung Nodule Detection Framework Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Vote Algorithm," The International Workshop on Patch-Based Techniques in Medical Imaging,(Patch-MI@MICCAI 2018), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 11075, page 85-92, 2018.
  • Tan J., Y. Huo, Z. Liang, L. Li, "Apply Convolutional Neural Network to Lung Nodule Detection: Recent Progress and Challenges," The International Conference for Smart Health 2017 (ICSH 2017), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 10347, page 214-222, 2017.
  • Tan J., A. Kotov, R.P. Mohammadiani, Y. Huo, "Sentence Retrieval with Sentiment-specific Topical Anchoring for Review Summarization," Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2017), page 2323-2326.
  • Tan J., Huo Y., Z. Liang and L. Li, "A Comparison Study On The Effect Of False Positive Reduction In Deep Learning Based Detection For Juxtapleural Lung Nodules: CNN VS DNN," Modeling and Simulation in Medicine Symposium 2017 (MSM 2017),Proceedings of the Symposium on Modeling and Simulation in Medicine,Article No. 8.
  • Huo, Y. and H. Zhao, "Minimizing Total Completion Time in Flow shop with Availability Constraints," 9th International Workshop on Computational Optimization (WCO'16), Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS 2016), page 637-645.
  • Tan J., Huo Y., and L. Li, "Using ConvNet to recognize lung nodule from CT user data: A feasibility study," Computational Approaches for Cancer Workshop 2016 (CAFCW-2016).
  • Huo, Y. and Huang J.X., "Parallel ant colony optimization for flow shop scheduling subject to limited machine availability," The sixth IEEE Workshop on Parallel Computing and Optimization, IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPS Workshops 2016), 756-765, 2016.
  • Huo, Y., "Makespan Minimization on Multiple Machines Subject to Machine Unavailability and Total Completion Time Constraints," The tenth International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects of Information and Management (AAIM 2014), Lecture Notes In Computer Science , Vol. 8546: 56-65, 2014.
  • Huo, Y. and H. Zhao, "Bi-criteria Scheduling on Multiple Machines Subject to Machine Availability Constraints," The Seventh International Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop and The Ninth International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects of Information and Management (FAW-AAIM 2013), Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Vol. 7924: 325-338, 2013

    Recent Refereed Poster

  • "Huo, Y. and F. Gu, "Adoptions and Outcomes of NSF/IEEE TCPP PDC Curriculum at College of Staten Island, " "Workshop Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing (EduPar-16) at IPDPS-16.
  • "Huo, Y. and F. Gu, "Experience of Applying NSF/IEEE TCPP Curriculum Initiative on Parallel and Distributed Computing at College of Staten Island," "Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing (EduPar-15) at SC-15.
  • "Huo, Y. and F. Gu, "Parallel and Distributed Computing Curriculum at College of Staten Island," "Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing (EduPar-15) at IPDPS-15.


  • "Revisit Heuristics for Flowshop Scheduling with Availability Constraint"," in INFORMS 2019.
  • "Multi-criteria Scheduling with Limited Machine Availability"," in INFORMS 2018.
  • "Parallel Algorithms for Flow Shop Scheduling Subject to Limited Machine Availability"," in INFORMS 2017.
  • "Multi-criteria Scheduling with Limited Machine Availability"," Northwestern Polytechnical University, Dec 2016.
  • "Two Machine Scheduling Subject to Arbitrary Machine Availability Constraints," in INFORMS2016.
  • "Parallel ant colony optimization for flow shop scheduling subject to limited machine availability, " in INFORMS INTERNATIONAL 2016.
  • "Makespan Minimization on Parallel Machines Subject to Machine Release Times and Minimum Total Completion Time, " in INFORMS2015.
  • "Makespan Minimization on Multiple Machines Subject to Machine Unavailability and Total Completion Time Constraints, " in POMS2014 and INFORMS2014.
  • "Makespan Minimization on Multiple Machines Subject to Machine Unavailability and Total Completion Time Constraints, " AAIM 2014.
  • "Bi-criteria Scheduling on Multiple Machines Subject to Machine Availability Constraints, " FAW-AAIM2013.
  • "Minimizing Total Weighted Completion Time with Unexpected Machine Unavailability," INFORMS2012.
  • "Approximation Schemes for Parallel Machine Scheduling with Availability Constraints," POMS2012.
  • "Coordinated Scheduling of Production and Delivery with Production Window and Delivery Capacity Constraints," The Computer Science Colloquium, CUNY Graduate Center, Feb 2012.
  • "Coordinated Scheduling of Production and Delivery with Production Window and Delivery Capacity Constraints," INFORMS2011.
  • "Bicriteria Scheduling Concerned with Makespan and Total Completion Time Subject to Machine Availability Constraints," INFORMS2011.
  • "Minimizing total completion time in two-machine flow shops with exact delays," Colloquium on Computer Science research, College of Staten Island, CUNY, Oct. 2011.
  • "Integrated Production and Delivery Scheduling with Disjoint Windows," CUNY Graduate Center, April 2010.
  • "Exponential Inapproximability and FPTAS for Scheduling with Availability Constraints," CUNY Graduate Center, Discrete Algorithms Seminar, March 2010.
  • "Parallel Machine Scheduling with Nested Processing Set Restrictions," INFORMS 2009.
  • "Integrated production and delivery scheduling with disjoint windows," COCOA 2009.
  • "Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems.?STEAM, College of Staten Island, CUNY, 2009.
  • "Integrated Production and Delivery Scheduling with disjoint windows," INFORMS 2008.
  • "Online Scheduling of Precedence Constrained Tasks," CUNY Graduate Center, Feb 2008. PPT
  • "Online Scheduling of Precedence Constrained Tasks," MISTA2005, July 2005. PPT
  • "Estimating Mean Flow Time in Scheduling Applications," Graduate Student Seminar, New Jersey Institute of Technology, November 2004.
  • "Some Results on Several Online Problems," Graduate Student Seminar, New Jersey Institute of Technology, December 2003.


  • Some Topics on Deterministic Scheduling Problems, dissertation for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2005.
  • Control Flow Analysis and Simulator Design for VLIW Architecture Microprocessor, thesis for Master degree in Computer Science, University of Science & Technology, Beijing, 2000.



  • The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) Grant (2019-2020), "Makespan Minimization Subject to Machine Availability and Total Completion Time Constraints."
  • National Science Foundation, Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC), "Workshop on Improving Awareness of High Performance Computing for High School STEM Instructors. " 2018-2019.
  • NVIDIA Small Scale GPU grants, "GPU-based algorithms for computer-aided diagnosis of pulmonary nodules in CT images. " 2017.
  • The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) Grant (2017-2018), "Bi-criteria Scheduling concerned with makespan and total completion time with processing set restrictions."
  • Student-Faculty Research Mini-Grant (2017-2018), " Ensembled Framework for Two Machine Flow Shop Scheduling."
  • The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) Grant (2016-2017), "Batch Processing Machine with Nonidentical Job Sizes."
  • Student-Faculty Research Mini-Grant (2016-2017), "Parallel Metaheuristics Design on Two Machine Flow Shop Scheduling Problems."
  • NSF CDER Early Adopter Award, "Enhance Parallel and Distributed Computing Teaching by Infusing NSF/IEEE-TCPP Curriculum Initiative into the Existing Courses and Developing a New Course."
  • The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) Grant (2014-2015), "Minimizing Total Completion Time in two-stage Flowshop with Unavailable Interval."
  • The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) Grant (2013-2014), "Hierarchical Approximation: A new approach for hierarchical multicriteria scheduling problems."
  • The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) Grant (2011-2012), "Integrated Production-Delivery Scheduling with Fixed Delivery Time and Production Windows."
  • The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) Grant (2010-2011), "Parallel Machine Bicriteria Scheduling Concerned with Makespan and Total Completion Time Subject to Machine Availability Constraints."
  • Provost Scholarship (2009-2011), "Hierarchical Approximation: A New Approach for Hierarchical Multicriteria Scheduling Problems."
  • The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) Grant (2009-2010), "Minimizing the Total Weighted Flow Time with Limited Machine Availability."
  • Student-Faculty Research Mini-Grant (2009-2010), "Parallel Metaheuristics Design on Minimizing Total Weighted Completion Time."
  • The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) Grant (2008-2009), "Parallel Machine Scheduling with Job Assignment Restrictions."
  • Student-Faculty Research Mini-Grant (2008-2009), "Metaheuristics on Bicriteria Scheduling Problems Concerned with the Total Number of Tardy Jobs and the Maximum Tardiness."
  • The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) Grant (2007-2008), "Dual Criteria Scheduling Problems."
  • The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) Grant (2006-2007), "Online Scheduling of Precedence Constrained Tasks."

